Non-invasive prenatal examination kits

Non-invasive determination of the gender and Rh factor of the child - This is a genetic laboratory diagnostic method that allows you to determine the result from the mother’s blood in early pregnancy (from the 10th week) with an accuracy of 99%. The results of the study are based on the detection of fetal DNA in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Kits are based on the principle of "real-time PCR." In the work, an approach is used that allowed to increase the sensitivity of test systems to identify single fetal DNA molecules in the blood of a pregnant woman. For this, ultra-short probes, unique primers and high-performance polymerases are used.


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Diagnostic kits for identification of fetal DNA by maternal blood produced by InBio have Registration Certificate No. ФСР 2010/09565 dated 02/18/2020 issued by ROSZRAVNADZOR.

Test SRY - a test system for non-invasively determining the sex of the fetus from the 10th (embryological) week of pregnancy by the blood of a pregnant woman is of particular importance for families at risk of developing a sex-linked disease.

Test RHD - a test system for non-invasive detection of the gene of the Rh factor of the fetus from the 10th (embryological) week of pregnancy.

Timely and reasonable prevention of rhesus conflict

Savings for the most pregnant woman - from 7,000 rubles

Budget savings - from 35%

Knowing the Rh factor of the fetus, the obstetrician-gynecologist chooses the tactics of conducting a Rh-negative pregnant

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Set for identification of the SRY gene of the fetus in the blood of the mother "DNA-sex of the child" number of determinations: 30

Set for identification of the SRY gene of the fetus in the blood of the mother "DNA-gender of the child plus" number of determinations: 50/100

Set for identification of the Rh factor gene (RHD) of the fetus in the mother’s blood “DNA-Rh baby” number of determinations: 30

Set for identification of the Rh factor gene (RHD) of the fetus in the mother’s blood “DNA Rh plus” number of determinations: 50/100


Scientific publications