Evaluation of the medical and economic effectiveness of prenatal non-invasive screening of the fetus Rh factor
Rhesus factor incompatibility between the fetus and mother can be the main cause of the Rh conflict and hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborns. The successes of developed countries in recent decades in solving the problem of hemolytic
The importance of prenatal diagnosis of the Rh factor of the fetus to improve the quality of medical care for pregnant women with Rh-negative blood in modern environmental conditions
The discovery of the rhesus (Rh) blood system is closely related to the first description of hemolytic disease of the newborn (GBN). The cause of this disease
The possibility of prenatal diagnosis of the Rh factor of the fetus by blood of a pregnant Rh-negative woman
In Russia, the percentage of Rh sensitized women reaches 1.2%. In developed countries, the number of women with Rh sensitization is 0.1–0.2%. Such a low percentage achieved
Non-invasive diagnosis of the fetus Rh factor in the blood of a pregnant woman
Rhesus incompatibility is one of the most common causes of hemolytic disease in newborns. However, it is possible to overcome undesirable reactions during pregnancy and childbirth by using anti-Rh immunoglobulin.
A new approach to the management of pregnant women with Rh negative blood from early pregnancy
Rhesus factor incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood is one of the most common causes of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. This pathology has both medical, social, and economic importance.